Please verify Captcha.The attachment size exceeds the allowable limit. Please upload files up to 5 MB.Invalid File Type. File extensions allowed are : ###with maximum size of 5 MBPlease upload the mandatory attachmentAge should be greater than or equal to 18Moving in date cannot be less than moving out date.No File Chosenq=x4QXOpaD5pRchYK2fY2EBtwOPeITzSGsIew0n2/RRxiA+CTwQvH+LBgZf8eNas0BKEboaIk/I/RpPzi0nNNPtiHOV8DW+oT1MLKDtUwz&EncType=IPlease enter a valid Zip Code.P.O. BoxStreet AddressStreet NumberClick to enter P.O. BoxPlease enter P.O. Box Number.Please enter valid Mobile Phone Number.Please enter a valid SSN.ToNotificationTo open a commercial account please complete the New Commercial Account application. Please email completed application to All commercial accounts require a security deposit based on the two highest consecutive billing periods at the service location, but no less than $200. The deposit will remain on the account for the life of the account. A surety bond can be accepted in lieu of a cash deposit.I hereby apply to Santee Cooper for electric service in accordance with "Terms and Conditions" and applicable rate schedules. Copies may be obtained online at South Carolina Utility Provider | Santee Cooper.I hereby apply to Santee Cooper for electric service in accordance with "Terms and Conditions" and applicable rate schedules. Copies may be obtained online at: All residential accounts require a deposit based on the two highest consecutive billing periods at your new service location, but no less than $100. Your deposit will be refunded to your account after 13 months of timely payments or once your account is closed, whichever occurs first. An acceptable payment history on a previous account or an acceptable credit check may be considered in lieu of the deposit.